Social Media Marketing

Have professional management of your social networks and master social platforms.


Our new Social Media control panel will give your marketing more control and impact.

Our platform facilitates communication with our team of creatives and community managers.

Every change and addition you make is stored, saving time, effort and money.


Exclusive publications for your business

Researching and curating specific content for your industry will help promote your business.

The use of hashtags, popular keywords and most searched trends will be shown in the timeline of your target market.


Presence on various social platforms

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn give your business incredible exposure and take your brand's identity to a global level.

Possibilities for images, titles and hashtags are practically limitless!


Creative design and customization

With a custom posting feature, all major event plannings for your industry posts, can be scheduled days, weeks, and even months in advance to be present inside the minds of your audience.

Custom posts, images and graphics will be created to increase impact and lead generation.


What customers say

“Fast and efficient service! From the beginning they showed that they understood our business ... "
Juan Tovar
“If you are looking for results, I recommend them. They are very good and they know what they are doing. "
Gerardo Silva

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Benefits of using social networks in your business

In this age, communication on the Internet ranges from tweets and Instagram stories, to Facebook messages and YouTube videos.

Social media is becoming a necessity for businesses large and small.

Consumers are particularly cunning when it comes to buying, long gone are the days of selling things to people. More and more consumers turn to friends, family and social networks to find more information about the products or services they need.

By using social media as search engines, brands can leverage social media and use it to educate consumers about their products and services, while building brand loyalty through images and messaging.

Connection and Communication

One of the greatest benefits since the advancement of technology is that there is no platform out of your reach to connect with your customers instantly.

Social media is a great way to promote your business.

Content that keeps you informed

Local and global news can be updated instantly, keeping your audience linked to your business. Content with an attractive title and genuinely interesting information will keep people coming back for more.

Content is more than good writing. There are all sorts of videos, images and other types of posts to keep your audience hooked.

Visuals convey your message without leaving any mystery in the viewer's mind. Once you have a consistent following, you will increase the flow of traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and you will be able to better manage communication with your target audience.

Integrating social media into your business

At the end of the day, reality is that your competitors are doing this too. Numerous companies around the world are advertising themselves through social media. Geformas knows that connecting companies with customers is the highest priority right now.

Social media is a fun and cool way to make your customers feel like family.

There is some planning that needs to be done before diving into social media

Think about who your target audience is, what you hope to achieve through social media and the message you would like to convey. Once you've figured out those factors, you can take your business down the right digital marketing path.

SWOT the name of a framework that examines any business, product, company, or idea. Taking the time to conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is vital to establish a solid foundation for your social media strategy.

Why use a SWOT analysis for a Social Media strategy?

When creating a marketing plan, it is often tempting to start directly with actions. Taking action is truly great, it shows that you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Think about how you want to frame your business based on its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its relationship in the industry, expressed as opportunities and threats.

Know Yourself: Start With Your Internal Attributes

Strengths are internal. They are what you are doing well.

If you could describe your business with a few words, what would those words be? If you find it difficult to identify your strengths, look through the lens of "unique value proposition": what do you do well that no one else does? What makes you unique?

Admit your weaknesses

The best companies are run by people who are completely honest with themselves: in what areas of your business you see a shortcoming?

Some companies have a name that is too long or difficult to remember, making digital branding difficult.

Perhaps the weakness is unpredictable Inventory Volume, making it difficult to schedule promotions.

Know your place: Analyze opportunities and threats

One way to determine opportunities is to look for gaps in the market.

One florist found that other florists also focus on typical needs: birthdays, Valentine's Day, weddings, "Sorry" bouquets, and so on.

So this flower shop decided to put up a sign on their street every day offering a free rose to anyone whose name is the chosen name of the day by the florist.

Everyone in the city was excited to see their name, and therefore receive a rose. The florist saw the opportunity to emphasize the idea of loving oneself, thus getting closer to future clients.

We know that identifying threats is not always pleasant. However, it is important to know where you can take a competitive advantage. Surely there are larger companies in your industry that can offer lower prices because they have higher production or economies of scale.

Threats can also be regulations, new business models (like Uber), and improved products.

Use Social Listening to improve your business strategy

Once you've done the SWOT. With what you've learned about your business and industry,  you can improve what you don't know.

You have strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that you don't know about, but your posts and comments on customer social media can help you discover more information.

This is where a healthy dose of social listening comes in.

Strengths: Embracing Love

Who mentions and uses your campaign hashtags? You can do a qualitative analysis to get information about why they love your product or service.

Weaknesses: Embracing hate

If you have enough mentions on social media, you can filter them with this specific search: "I hate [your product name]".

They say why they hate your product? Is it your delivery times? Your website?

Opportunities: Fill the gap

You can observe recurring questions, launch surveys, challenges or contests on social media to find out the concerns of your customers.

By doing an in-depth analysis of the results, you can identify opportunities. What is your competition not doing? How to solve this opportunity?

A SWOT analysis to formulate your marketing strategy in Social Networks Strengths as the center of your strategy.

Strengths come in the form of statements, phrases, and keywords.

Include your strengths in static places like your bios on Twitter and Instagram or in your "About" section on your Facebook page.

Then make a plan to include your strengths regularly in your messages, whether you speak directly or subtly about them. Focus on your strengths when talking to your clients.

Weaknesses are learning opportunities.

Worse than having weaknesses is not accepting them. Ignorance can be a blessing, but also the death of your business.

You need to be able to listen criticism from your customers.

Experiment with Opportunities

Take advantage of the opportunities you have identified and design experiments in social media.

This requires a willingness to take risks and do something that no one has done before. Be creative. Make up your mind and trust that the opportunities you've identified really give the satisfaction your customers are looking for.

Reduce Threats

Surely there are other businesses doing what you do.

You are not the only company selling steel tubes or in e-commerce of clothing. So how are threats reduced?

Threats grow when you pay too much attention to your day-to-day operations and you forget to pause and look around.

So, look around you more often.

Watch the threats as they approach, not after. New companies arise to take business, even industries. Include competitive intelligence in your social media strategy.

Make a list of the competitors and check their content often.

Implement a high-impact social strategy

Once your SWOT analysis is complete, it's time to get down to business.

Make sure your implementation plan is clear. It's great to have a list of ideas, but that's hardly strategy.

Consider more operational questions such as: What are the tactics that supports each area? When and how often will you use these tactics? How will you measure success?

Take the time you need to do a detailed SWOT analysis.

 You will find that when you know your business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, it is much easier to design a winning social media strategy.


We're here to help!

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