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Guide to adapting your website to mobile devices

Sofia Reyna • Jul 13, 2021

Do you have a fantastic website and want it to look just as good on mobile devices? We have the information you need.


Guide to adapting your website to mobile devices

Mobile devices account for a lot of the web traffic your page receives on a daily basis. However, many brands don't make the effort of tailoring a responsive website that provides a good user experience both in the desktop and mobile versions.

If you want to know what points you should take care of to have an optimal mobile website, we'll tell you where to start.

The importance of adapting your website to mobile devices 

How much effort and dedication did you put into building your website? All the time it took to build an easy-to-navigate, visually appealing platform with optimized content could be going to waste.

Resources that are effective in the desktop version of a website can be counterproductive in the mobile version, so it is necessary to optimize our page for all users.


How to adapt your website to mobile devices 

It's not about creating a whole new website, but about presenting our content in a mobile-friendly way. It is necessary to adapt our website for this version, from the use of effects and images to the presentation of links and font size. 

For this we will focus on modifying the design of our site more than the content itself.

Use visible buttons 

Inbound links are difficult to find and use from the mobile version. All buttons should be optimally sized for easy clicking.

Use mobile-optimized forms 

We must avoid at all costs that the user is forced to zoom in on any part of our website. A mobile form should be large and easy to use.

Create content that's engaging on a mobile device

Make sure that your content's format is attractive to the eye. When it comes to text, you can direct your readers ' attention to points of interest with engaging headlines, images between paragraphs, and a caption format.

On the other hand, multimedia content inserted in your website must be re-scaled well, if these can not be viewed optimally they will not be of any use.

Send emails that result appealing on mobile devices 

Most people open their emails from their cell phone first, so our Emails should also be appealing to the mobile version. This means condensing the information so that it appears completely in the sender and subject areas.

Avoiding the dreadful three dots in these fields will get users to open your emails instead of ignoring them.

Adjust the design of your website titles and subtitles 

The size of the titles and subtitles of your content is vital to maintain user attention and ease of reading. That is why when we optimize the mobile version of our website we must make sure that this format is not lost.

Distinguish titles and subtitles from the rest of the text with an eye-catching font and size that makes them stand out to the reader.

Adjust the font size to be visible 

As we mentioned earlier, there is nothing more uncomfortable for the user than having to zoom in to browse your website. In the mobile version it is always recommended that the texts are 15px, this is an optimal size to ensure their readability.

Verify that the effects and animations look properly 

Many visual effects that we can use to make our desktop version have a spectacular design will stop working in the mobile version. Make sure all animations and visual effects work correctly on multiple devices.

It would be a shame to have very eye-catching animations or hover effects that users can't see.

Watch out for Sliders and Carousels 

Due to the resizing of images in the mobile version, all the functionality and appeal of the sliders is in danger of not adapting to smaller screens. With this resource it is very likely that some images will be hidden if the slider does not adapt in detail, so sometimes it is better to hide them.

Carousels, on the other hand, become confusing elements for the user. When you have to click to view more content, mobile usability becomes complicated.

Run check tests constantly 

The key to keeping your website in top condition is to constantly make sure all your content is in order.

Remember to review content on as many devices as you can to keep a close eye on your website design.


There is always the option to turn to an expert

Having a well-functioning responsive website can be a demanding and thorough job. The task of content optimization and creation of the main website already presents a challenge in itself.

When it comes to working on a project of this nature,
we can achieve better results if we work together with an expert.

Looking for a person to support us in the technical sense of adapting a website that adheres to our SEO strategy is a way to cover all the details necessary to obtain a good result.

When it comes to building a responsive website, you'll want to retain the core elements of your website and maintain the desktop user experience on mobile devices.

Remember to pay attention to detail and make sure your site is as friendly as possible.


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