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How to achieve effective Geopositioning

Sofia Reyna • Jun 25, 2021

Position yourself in one of the most advantageous services for local businesses. Stay accessible to your customers and prospects with a good geopositioning strategy.


With the growing development of geolocation services, it is increasingly easier to locate what we want at any time and place. 

The user can search for the best restaurants in the area and the nearest mechanic in a matter of minutes. Which makes
geopositioning a must for all brands. And this does not end there, but it is also possible for us to build a valuable reputation with the direct opinions of our customers.

That's why an effective geopositioning focuses on generating original content, providing relevant information and having a good relationship with your customers. All with the aim of positioning your brand and getting a greater reach.

Google services that local businesses should use 

Google is the most used tool in the world, if your brand does not appear in the favorite search engine of your customers, it is most likely that it does not inspire much trust and is difficult to recommend.

The best service for local businesses is Google My Business, here you can generate a profile with the most important data of your brand, in addition to receiving reviews from people who visit your location.

Having a Google My Business profile positions you based on your location. This means that
you are more likely to appear as featured information in the search engine.

This way, every time someone looks for businesses with your characteristics, according to their proximity or the best score in the area, you will have more chances of being found.


Other Geopositioning services

The four most used geopositioning services are:

  1. Tripadvisor
  2. Booking
  3. Foursquare
  4. Yelp

All of them allow the user to interact when in a specific place. As long as the interface includes a ranking with reviews and opinions, this is valuable for local businesses. 

If you play your cards right,
geopositioning services will be useful to publicize your brand, create a good reputation and finally increase your customers. To know which ones to use, simply identify the most popular services among your customers.

How geopositioning services affect SEO 

These services handle a lot of self-generated content, which means they rank very well. If we think about it on a large scale, having successful profiles in these services will improve your overall positioning in the search engine.

It is very common that the results page gives priority to localized searches, because in search engines such as Google, these stand out at the top, before the organic results.

Thus, it naturally becomes necessary to learn about the operation of th
e geopositioning services that our users and potential customers use. All in addition to working on the content of your website and social networks.

How to appear in geo-localized results in a Google search

Google's main goal is to deliver the most useful results based on the search terms used by the user. For this reason, we must make sure to feed our accounts with relevant and detailed information.

You need to create a full profile and
participate in the different platforms regularly. When it comes to geo-localized results, the most important factors to consider are:

  • The positioning of your brand and domain in Google.
  • Have a detailed profile on Google.
  • Your participation in Google+.
  • The number of reviews and ratings your Google My Business profile has.
  • The average score of your reviews.

The role of user reviews, opinions and feedback

Reviews are rating systems that encourage three-way communication between users, your brand and customers who share their experience (positive or negative) about your brand.

It is thanks to them that
we can get a good reputation that attracts customers and gain us prestige or a bad reputation that drives other people away from our brand. Reviews play an important role in improving our service.

Once we know the impact reviews have on our business, it's time to learn how to manage them. In this way we will find strategies to deal with negative opinions and encourage positive ones.

Today it is necessary to have an active and interesting profile on all platforms that allow us to position our brand in search engines. Competition among thousands of businesses has never been easy, but it is now that original content and user interaction is more valuable than ever.

Getting a good online reputation, positioning yourself taking into account the preferences of search engines and taking care of the rest of the tasks involved in managing a brand, is not easy.

This taking into account that each platform is unique, in addition to the large number of details that must be considered to enter the competition and stand out. That's why sometimes it's better to seek
support from professionals to manage our accounts.

We recommend you to keep yourself informed about SEO strategy and geopositioning to take a first step to understand all the areas of opportunity that you can solve together with an expert.


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