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How to do link building: the art of getting links

Sofia Reyna • May 31, 2021

We give you the best link building strategies to obtain quality links and improve the authority of your website.

Link building is part of the SEO off page, its goal is to get backlinks or inbound links from other websites.

It is through the refinement of backlinks, that we can get referenced traffic and, therefore, improve our authority in the search engines.

If you're looking to increase your website visits, improve your domain authority and climb the search engine lists, you need to do a good link building. We invite you to keep reading and learn more about what kind of strategies and tools you can use to get quality backlinks.

Paying for backlinks

Paying for links can often be misinterpreted, mainly because it relates to blackhat strategies that are ultimately penalized by search engines. When it comes to paying for links, we always recommend avoiding the "generous" packs offered at affordable prices. 

These kinds of links will turn any page into spam, you will lose relevance and most likely end up with your ranking in Google. 

However, there is more than one safe and efficient way to get valuable inbound links without getting into trouble. For this we must always prioritize quality over quantity. 

Find out everything you need to know to improve your offsite positioning.

Recommendations for paying for backlinks

When you get to the task of looking for quality links, you should have two things in mind:

  1. Select a website with its own relevance and authority.
  2. That the content in which your link is included, is related to the area in which you operate.

As for the type of sites where you can pay to include your link, you can choose from online magazines and newspapers specialized in your sector.
You can also search for content creators such as bloggers and relevant social media profiles. 

Your content can be sh
ared in an article on a topic of interest to us, such as an image, a button or banner, etc.

Learn more about the fundamental element of a web page: links.

Get free links

To implement any step of a SEO strategy, it is always possible to exchange a generous budget for effort and hard work. Getting links in an organic and free way is a procedural job.

link building

Participate in forums and debates 

Currently, we have a large number of platforms, among which we can decide to participate freely in discussion forums that analyze topics of our interest. It is in these websites that we find options to sign our comments and contributions with a link. 

Remember to provide valuable feedback to the community
and assertively demonstrate your knowledge in the area, so that users recognize you as a trusted source. The most valued comments are those that come from practice and professionalism.

Links in social networks 

Including a link to your page in all your social media posts, is a direct way to generate referential links.

These can be an easy entry from the user who recognizes you on their home page. This way they can access your content without having to click on your profile or search for you in the browser.

Another option is to
contact the relevant users who are mentioning your brand, for this a friendly approach will be enough to request that they include your link.

Link exchange

Link sharing is based on communication between brands, content creators and pages in your area. This is a mutually beneficial practice in which you can expand your contact list and create positive relationships in the marketplace.

In order to implement this strategy,
it will become important for you to have an attractive authority and a positive reputation, after all, other pages will do the same selection process with you.

Means to add links

Remember to be in search of media that allows you to add links. Reputable news adders and link directories are perfect for getting started.

For this resource to be effective in your link building strategy, you have to
add your link only to sites within your industry, that is, those where your content is relevant.

link building

Tracking your link strategy

All parts of the SEO strategy should be monitored. Remember that it is in the review of results that we can truly be able to refine each and every one of our actions. Once you've started generating links, you should follow a method of organizing and collecting data.

A simple follow-up list should include:

  1. URL of the site that includes our link
  2. Our destination URL
  3. The anchor text
  4. Types or comments

Tracking our links will allow us to provide maintenance to valuable links, as well as repair and recover broken links. On the other hand, we can also disassociate ourselves from websites that acquire a bad reputation with time.

A broken link is generated when the landing page ceases to exist or changes its URL. This can happen if you make a change in your keyword strategy and end up changing some of the
anchor text on your content. 

Whether your link building strategy involves buying links or organic link development, it's important to follow a structured process. The importance of monitoring and organizing your strategies, comes with the achievement of better results.


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