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How to plan your content with SEO in mind

Sofia Reyna • May 05, 2021

In order to plan and monitor your content with the SEO strategy, it is necessary to follow a methodical and optimizable process. From knowing your audience to setting trackable goals, the first step to creating valuable content is complex.

content planning

We all aspire to create quality content that helps our positioning. So, you need to follow a detailed plan in which we establish when, where, how often and to whom we address this content. With the help of SEO, you can achieve your goals.

How to write an article with SEO in mind

Writing a functional article to improve your positioning is not an easy task. Mainly because even before writing, you should: conduct research on the keywords to use, set the objectives of the project, get reliable sources for the article and take into account the style guide for writing.

Once we have written a clear, direct and eye-catching text,
we should look for multimedia material relevant to the article. After editing the text, you must make the configuration of the SEO on page, schedule its publication and spread it on social networks.

How to make a communication plan

A communication plan must be a living, changing document. Here you'll list all the actions (and intentions behind them) you'll take to make your project noticeable. This process consists of a first phase in which a period of time is established to follow the plan word by word.

During the second phase, we analyze the results of the work that has been done to update and optimize the planning process. It is with this cycle that we
keep constantly improving our content strategy.

Analyze the context of the project 

The context of the project is about the social, local environment of it as well as the very nature of the company or project. In order to analyze it, we can use a tool called SWOT

This is a table of 2 rows and 2 columns in which the external and internal factors are visually separated.

ithin the external factors we list opportunities and threats existing within the project's environment. In the internal factor section, the strengths and weaknesses of the project are listed.

With this tool we will be able to visually contrast the whole context of the project that we'll be working in and thus establish realistic objectives to improve our positioning. 

content planning

Set objectives 

Even before you elaborate your keywords, you should set business objectives for the project or company and they should stick to your organization's business plan. These goals can be long-term or short-term.

Setting your goals correctly, helps you measure your performance and assess the areas where you need to improve your content. For this reason, your short-term goals must meet the following requirements:

  • Be difficult enough to be a challenge, but without becoming impossible. 
  • Have an indicator to accurately measure whether or not we meet our goal. 
  • A defined deadline, having a deadline is basic to make the necessary measurements to modify our plan and modify our objectives.

Know your audience 

Before producing any type of content, we need to know the target audience. For this we need to know well the product or service we offer, what sets us apart from the competition, the people who need us and where to find these people.

The more information you have about your audience,
your content can be specially tailored for your potential customers. 

Determine the message you want to convey 

The message is everything you want to communicate to your target audience. It should be clear and direct when answering questions or meeting the needs of your audience. One tool to refine our message is “Answer the public".

Developing a strategy 

In this step, the order and time in which we will perform the actions of the next point will be defined. It should be remembered that this strategy should be based on a business plan, or at least before performing one.

To create a strategy, it is important to select th
e amount of target audience to work with, the channels in which our content will be shared and if we are going to invest in advertising.

Determine actions

In this section, we must include the concrete actions we will take to achieve our objectives. All this following the marked strategy. In order to measure our progress and perfect our action plan, we need to organize our communicative actions by categories.

To make a clear and organized measurement, we can make a graph in which the interest of the user is valued against the support of our strategy (objectives). We will achieve these measures by going through a trial-and-error process, by measuring th
e amount of user interactions our content gets.

content planning

How to make an editorial calendar 

An editorial calendar should be able to neatly show us all the posts of the month. In an editorial calendar we need to include the exact date of publication, the topic used and the medium in which it will be published.

This document
provides an overview of the strategy. The first calendar can be difficult to create, but then it becomes a template for the following months. Once you finish your calendar, it will be easier to detect flaws and adjust our strategy.

Budget, monitoring and review

If our planning is correct, all our work on the internet can be tracked and measured. This is an advantage because we can know the exact cost of our overall strategy and the investment return we're getting.

It is with this follow-up that we will be able to discard inefficient actions and
put our efforts in the actions that generate the most profit for us. Finally, it is during the review that we will analyze our results against our objectives.

Planning our content following an SEO strategy can be an exhaustive process, but it pays off and allows us to know exactly what we are doing well and what we can improve. 


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