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What is linkbuilding and why is it important

Sofia Reyna • Jun 02, 2021

Learn how to work off-page SEO with Link Building. Improve your search engine authority and stand out among your competitors.

link building

Linkbuilding is part of the off-page SEO strategy and is one of the tactics that will benefit your website's positioning. Working on acquiring quality backlinks will give you an edge over your competitors.

This is not only because the number of backlinks is a measure used by Google to measure your domain and website's authority. But also, because only 2.2% of sites on the web have valuable external links.

Learn all about Link Building, how it works and how to exploit the potential of your content to get other websites to consider you a valuable source to cite.

Get to know about link building

In terms of SEO, we all know that links are very important. It is through a well-linked and structured website building that Google decides our authority. However, with today's high standards on competition, most sites optimize their pages with SEO On Page.

So, it is necessary to implement link building,
this is a process in which we work to increase the quantity and quality of incoming links to our website. This will get more referenced traffic, increase domain authority and improve your search engine ranking placement

The advantages of link building 

Implementing link building is beneficial for your website in many ways. After all, getting other relevant pages in your market with their own authority to recommend you to their users, is very valuable.

It is a fact, link building is a highly effective strategy, both in pulling users to your page as well as improving your site's reputation for the algorithm. 

Build a reputation as a market leader

As we mentioned earlier, when another site mentions you as a trusted source, or references you as a valuable tool, you start to build a positive reputation.

Therefore, users who find a recommendation of you in their favorite blog,
will not hesitate to click on the backlink and access your site. Logically, this will help you become a recognized and reliable site.

link building

Getting the attention of Google's search engines

Remember that Google measures the authority of your site through your links. Of the 200 known ranking factors, backlinks are among the top 8.

That is why getting other sites and blogs to mention your page in their content, will let Google know you're a trusted source.
This will encourage the algorithm to display your site to users who search with your keywords.

Increase the number of visits on your website 

Another benefit of link building is increased traffic. Not only are you getting visitors for the mention on another site, but as your authority grows, Google shows your page to more people.

You should know that these types of visits are important for capturing data for quality leads. You can do this by monitoring downloads of free guides, newsletter subscriptions and videos.

Increase your domain authority 

First and foremost, to achieve a better domain authority, it is important to prioritize quality. Hence the importance of tailoring your content to be easy to connect with other sites (that have a good reputation and a high domain rating themselves).

The best way to get started with Link Building

Link building is a structured and tedious process, that's why knowing the basic steps will help you acquire the notions of what it is to work with external links.

Keep your content up to date 

It's important to work in all areas within your page content. Take the task of regularly updating your content with relevant data. It is very likely that the topics you have discussed already will remain relevant for a long time.

Ask them to add your links 

It's important not to limit yourself when it comes to collecting links, most of the time a valuable backlink is just an email away. You can start with sites, blogs, and users who mention your brand, but haven't added your link.

will be an opportunity to introduce yourself to content creators and build a mutual exchange relationship in which more content from your site will be referenced in the future.

link building

Create resources focused on your audience's needs 

You can create free-to-use tools that solve a need for your audience. Through templates, calculators, generators and all kinds of important resources, you can get organic backlinks.

This will happen because tools of this type are used many times for their utility and once they become well known by the public, your page will be mentioned in a lot of sites.

Create valuable content 

The foundation of a good link building campaign is quality content that is relevant to the user. Remember that you're always promoting your website and, of course, you'll want to do it with authentic and interesting content.

You can enrich your content with free tools, infographics and videos, and your website will be really attractive to the user as well as for other websites.

Link building is a great way to improve your website and its content for the user, competition and even the search engine algorithm. Remember to promote quality content and valuable tools to achieve positive results.

Keep learning about the art of getting Links by discovering
how to do link building. 


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