Marketing team to achieve your goals and fulfill campaigns

Build the perfect Marketing team to achieve your goals and fulfill campaigns

Knowing the specific skills that your collaborators must have and knowing the current market demands will allow you to have a clearer picture of the team you need in order to reach your short and long-term goals.


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"70% of the leadership positions in the areas of digital marketing in the country are occupied by foreigners"

Companies usually have a commercial department. This is essential and it must be that there is also a Marketing one. While the marketing department is in charge of reaching a target audience and creating potential consumers, the sales department seeks to convert these consumers into customers.

For the process to flow in a synchronized manner, marketing and sales must maintain constant communication. This is where the Marketing Director comes in.

With the change in perspective that has occurred in recent years, which places the customer at the center of all marketing and commercial strategies, companies are merging these two departments into one.

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