Ticket Printing

Event tickets, Parking tickets, Raffle and draw tickets, Vending Machines, Event Wristbands and more.

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Tickets with security measures and special features

Benefit from our design, print and production team. Include security measures and specifications in your Parking Tickets, Raffle Tickets, Highway Toll Tickets, Transport Tickets, Tickets for Events and Cinemas.


Tickets printed on different substrates, technologies and security measures

We print tickets for events, transportation, parking, raffles and draws. We have the knowledge and experience needed to meet your ticket printing requirements.


Seize the opportunity to get your promotional message directly into the hands of your customers

Print sponsor logos, full color information about your promotions, products, services, coupons and information on upcoming events on your tickets. Also, we can help you promote, register and manage your event, concert, exhibitions, fairs and more. We also deliver a report on the progress and economic results of your promotion strategy.

Bar Codes

Barcode ticket printing in different locations and positions: vertical, horizontal, front and back, or both sides.

Magnetic Stripe

Tickets with magnetic stripe in different sizes, which adapt to a large number of equipment.

Adhesive Permits

Personalized printing, special sheets, barcodes, holograms, reflective, among other security measures.

Hanging Permits

Ideal for parking of employees, residents, students. Personalized with folio number and hologram.

Ticket Printing

Ticket printing on various materials

  • Thermal Paper Security.
  • Paper Roll Tickets.
  • Block Tickets.
  • Fan Fold Tickets.

Ticket printing with security measures

  • Sequence Folio Number Printing.
  • Custom and Generic Holograms.
  • Security Inks.
  • Guilloche Frames.
  • Micro Text Printing.
  • Bar codes linked to a database.
Are you organizing an event?

We know that planning an event is more than just printing tickets. We let at your disposal a solution for the promotion and administration of your event.

Promote your Event

We design and implement a promotional campaign on social networks, printing of flyers, banners, email invitations and mobile application for events.

Registry Administration

Development of registration web pages, which will allow you to receive online payments and generate a database, send news, invitations and print badges and recognitions.

Access control

Printing of badges, bracelets, access control mobile application and sale or rent of printing equipment.

Successful Events, Successful Planning

Organizing an event can be an intense task, demanding all our willpower and tolerance, but it is an undeniable fact that it is a rewarding experience.

Now, when organizing an event, we are not only responsible for the details of the event, but also for the result and the experience of the attendees. So how to organize it?

Before beginning preparations for the actual event, there are two questions we must answer:

1. What is the purpose of the event?

2. Planning

1. Purpose of the Event

Before we start to tackle the technical and operational aspects, the first thing to keep in mind is the purpose of the event. There has to be a clear vision of the general goal in mind.

2. Planning

It is time to start with the real planning. There are different elements that we must take care of. And we must know that depending on the type of event, these can vary.

1. Creation of a committee

The creation of a committee aims to divide the activities into several categories and therefore better management. You can divide the activities by subcommittees and / or responsible for activity, here are some examples.

  • Meeting place.
  • Accommodation.
  • Registration.
  • Speakers and special guests.
  • Marketing.
  • Transport.
  • Supply.
  • Sponsorship.

2. Budget

Before moving on, set a budget! All expenses should be calculated and assigned to each committee for a proper use of it.

  • Calculate the total budget required.
  • Calculate the budget required by each committee.
  • Divide the budget into fixed and variable expenses.
  • Calculate the total budget that has been generated.
  • Based on this, determine the cost of registration.
  • Distribute the budget to each committee.

Budgeting allows you to prioritize the different needs of an event. Once the budget is created, you can determine how much money can be spent on each aspect of the event.

3. Venue

Choose a pleasant location that is accessible to people. Make sure the venue is nice, but not so nice that it diverts attention from the event.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the place has insurance and medical services.

Visit previous events. Keep the following in mind when choosing the venue:

  • Location
  • Capacity
  • Lodging
  • Facilities
  • Budget

Choosing a good venue ensures participation. Accessibility and facilities are key to improving attendance. If possible, make a list of your needs and your requirements for the place.

4. Date and time

Choose dates and times according to the maximum convenience. Make sure the event doesn't collide with any other event.

  • Holidays (Public / Religious)
  • Time distance with a similar event
  • Mass sporting and / or cultural events.

To make sure there is no confusion with the dates. To avoid further confusion make a list of upcoming events.

5. Miscellaneous

This would involve a series of tasks, from selecting projectors, sound, summoning speakers, receiving materials to accept, reject, review and publish. It is ideal to create a timeline for each of these aspects.

  • Call design.
  • Set a deadline for submission.
  • Publish the call for speakers.
  • Find reviewers
  • Send documents to reviewers.
  • Reviewers can
  • i) accept the document directly.
  • ii) accept but ask the author for improvement.
  • iii) reject but encourage review and invite the new presentation.
  • iv) reject it completely.
  • Collect the revised works.
  • Make the final selection.
  • Design the layout of the room.
  • Make sound checks.
  • Reception of materials and presentations.
  • Among other activities.

6. Marketing and promotion

Create a website! Everyone is part of the internet. Let people know about your organization and event. The more people know about you, the more your exposure increases in your industry. Some forms of marketing and promotion are:

  • Create a website.
  • Have public pitches.
  • Contact with the press.
  • Create a positive image of the event.
  • Videos and capsules about the event.
  • Create an event on Facebook and link it to the registration page.

If you are developing a dedicated website for your event, be sure to keep it updated with information and news related to your industry and event.

7. Registration

The next step is registration. The most important thing will be to create registration dates and decide on the payment process. You can do it in the following way:

  • Select a date to start registrations and a deadline.
  • Decide on the registration system (online or offline).
  • Set a registration fee (do this with your budget in mind).
  • Provide registration fee payment alternatives.
  • Develop a refund policy
  • Create the registration form  and promote it.

Registration can be done online or offline. Although, the online option is more efficient and helps you gain revenue from day 1.

8. Accommodation

Get informed about the places that offer accommodation around your location and inform them about your requirements regarding the stay of your attendees. Some key points to keep in mind are:

  • Make a list of areas that provide accommodation around the selected venue.
  • Find out about the facilities
  • Create a contract with the agreed terms.
  • Confirm reservations.

It is best to have as much information as possible about the facilities. A wider range will be favorable. All information regarding the accommodation should be posted on the site along with pictures and details so that attendees have a clear idea about everything it includes.

9. Catering

Soft drinks and coffee are a must! Sitting in conferences for hours make people tired. Make a list of the food and drinks you'll be serving.

You can do it in the following way:

  • Create a list about food and beverage requirements.
  • Contact all potential caterers that fit your needs.
  • Provide your list of requirements.
  • Keep them informed about dates and times.
  • Sign a contract.

You might have to consider certain special requirements or requests for special guests. Preferences and diversity of options must be provided.

After your event

Don't forget to send thank you notes to the attendees, share the results of the event and meet with your team to share experiences, analyze strengths and weaknesses.

Make a satisfaction survey if possible. Any comments about the event should be posted on the website to give a positive opinion and be ready for the next event.


We're here to help!

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