Social Ads

The correct optimization of your social ads will help you establish meaningful connections.

Social Ads Campaign Interface

Our social media advertising services help your business grow, generate brand recognition, and increase your website traffic.

Increasing your website traffic directly impacts the generation of leads and increased sales.


Facebook & Instagram

In each campaign we give you a view of your account progress, key metrics and other data associated with your campaign.

We implement strategies to generate large volumes of followers and participation of your business through advertising campaigns on social networks.


KPI's the most important

Depending on your type of business, the key performance metrics will have a more significant impact on the success of your it.

Stay up-to-date with your KPIs such as link clicks, cost per lead, and leads.

Find key indicators in seconds, without tedious reporting and analysis.


Micro-targeting features

Every business wants to reach their local audience to generate profitable leads and results.

Improve your location-based search results to reach your target audience based on demographics, location, interests, and behaviors.

Our platform is your dashboard to see impressions, frequency, clicks and know how much you invested in your campaign.


What customers say

“Fast and efficient service! From the beginning they showed that they understood our business ... "
Juan Tovar
“If you are looking for results, I recommend them. They are very good and they know what they are doing. "
Gerardo Silva

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Is investing in Facebook ads really worth it?

When it comes to advertising, technology has always played a vital role in its reach and effectiveness.

From flyers with your local hardware store discounts, to pop-up ads on your phone, technology has made advertising much more available.

It didn't take long for businesses to realize the value of using social media platforms to get noticed. This led Facebook to offer its "Pay Per Click" or PPC campaigns.

That said, wanting to take advantage of something new is understandable, which is why we're here to discuss what exactly a Facebook PPC campaign is, and if it's worth it or not.

 What is a Facebook Ads campaign?

Let's review what exactly this is. Facebook Ads is a form of advertising in which a business pays for Facebook advertising only when the ad is clicked. Depending on the selected audience or keyword, the company's advertising will pay X amount each time its ad is clicked.

This cost is determined by how many people you can reach and how competitive the audience is. These ads can be used at a variety of points on Facebook; This includes desktop and mobile news, the sidebar, and the audience's network.

Advantages of advertising on Facebook

 Large audience: Facebook has more than 2 billion members, with more and more people connecting every day. With such a high traffic rate, it allows even greater reach for a business ad.

Comprehensive analytics: They allow you to measure the effectiveness of your ad in real time using many metrics available in the Facebook ad manager.

Variety: The phenomenon known as "Ad Blindness" occurs very often online. This is when consumers have learned to disconnect from content where they feel it is being sold to them. Facebook's visual platform can more easily combat this by creating attention-grabbing ads.

Proven Return on Investment: With regular updates to its algorithms to ensure the right ads reach the right people, Facebook's return on investment (ROI) is very high. Facebook ads have shown a 9.21% conversion rate across all industries.

So... is it worth it?

The answer is yes, so it makes sense that the ad is worth it. Although this seems more dependent on the traffic the ad receives, Facebook's being so accessible means that more people will see it in a controlled environment.

With such a high promise already in place, it's pretty easy to see why Facebook Ads are worth using.


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