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How to write a title and meta description for your content to improve your positioning

Sofia Reyna • Apr 28, 2021

Learn how to improve your written content with the best SEO strategy tips. Create engaging titles and meta descriptions that boost your website's positioning.

title and meta description

For you to be able to implement a SEO strategy in the best way, it is necessary to work on every detail possible. This means to upgrade our content in every way, including elements such as meta description and SEO title.

Learn how to improve your written content with the best SEO strategy tips. Create engaging titles and meta descriptions that boost your website's positioning.

Both titles and meta descriptions are the first things the audience sees on the search engine's results page, even before clicking on the result. Therefore, to improve your page's organic visibility and increase its click through rate, your content should be as attractive as possible in the eyes of the reader.

In this article, we will provide you with the information you need to learn about the functioning of effective titles and meta descriptions. In addition to this you will also find useful tips that will help you improve your positioning.

The importance of a good title and meta description 

Page titles or “meta titles” are not necessarily identical to the titles used on your website's landing page. These titles appear on the results page and they inform people and search engines about what you have to offer on your website.


In addition to this, they work as an indicator of the website' relevance in the search terms used. That's why your page titles should be as accurate and relevant as possible. To achieve this, you must learn to make the most of the reduced characters available for titles. Using of course, the indicated words.


Meta descriptions, on the other hand, appear below the title and URL in the SERP. This small piece of text has the power to increase or decrease your click through rate. Using keywords throughout your meta description improves your positioning, as search engines take their presence as a sign of relevance.


The key to a good meta description is to include keywords naturally and promote your website by writing an impactful message that reaches the audience. In this way you will not only improve your positioning in the search engine, but you will also attract the attention of the public.

title and meta description

SEO title

To be able to work with the meta title specifically, it is necessary to do so with the right tool. Most content managers typically use the title used on the page for the meta title.

If we are looking to improve our visibility, we should consider writing a short and clear title for the results page and one that encourages reading on the landing page.

When writing our titles, we must remember to include at least one keyword, and always be clear and direct. Another important point is to not repeat titles. If the maximum number of characters for a title is 65, we recommend that you use at least 50 of them.

To write a truly impressive title you need to be able to
catch the reader's attention in just a few seconds. To achieve this, you can implement three strategies:

  1. Use numbers or statistics.
  2. A simple and straightforward description: use words like: what, how, where and why help readers get an idea of the purpose the content you offer has.
  3. Include trigger words: these words attract user's attention and are usually adjectives like best, definitive, review, etc.
title and meta description

Tips for creating a good meta description

Meta descriptions have a limit of 156 characters. If we don't include one, Google will take the first lines of your website's content. A good meta description makes maximum use of these characters, so writing an extremely short text would be of little to no benefit.

The things you should take into account to write a successful meta description are to naturally include your keywords, as well as create an original text that is also as descriptive and attractive as possible.

To achieve this, you need to write one or two sentences that give the public a convincing reason to click on our result. Remember to make a call to direct action, offering a benefit or a clear reason that connects us to the public.

If you don't consider yourself an expert at writing persuasive texts, you might consider the advice or help of a marketing specialist. We know that catching the public's attention in seconds is not a simple task, with this solution you can reach your website's true potential.

Write titles and meta descriptions that raise your website's relevance and visibility following the principles of clarity, use of keywords and persuasive writing. Don't forget to put the effort of giving an original title and meta description to all your pages.

These are just two of the elements that a good SEO strategy must include to be able to take advantage over the competition. If you are interested in knowing how you can work on the positioning of your website in search engines, don't be afraid to contact a professional.

We recommend that you continue to learn all about implementing a good SEO strategy. Learn all about the keys to content creation in 2021.


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