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SEO & Digital Marketing

Sofia Reyna • Mar 11, 2021

SEO is the base for a successful Digital Marketing strategy. SEO positions all kinds of brands, big and small. This is why knowing everything about it is a must.

SEO y marketing digital

Digital Marketing is an advertising branch with very particular characteristics. This branch studies and differentiates users. As it all happens online, Digital Marketing has access to all kinds of important data to measure every action taken. 

SEO on the other hand, is part of the analytic section in digital strategies. This search engine optimization helps us to ground realistic goals and analyze all conversions. 

SEO allows you to identify how reachable you are to the user. SEO also helps in the application of tools to find keywords and analyze your competence. Work in search engine is basic when it comes to Digital Marketing. It is in this stage that all strategies must include SEO to keep improving. 

World changes due to ICT evolution 

The ongoing and accelerated changes of information and communications technology is a phenomenon that changed humans in the most unexpected way. Technology continues to shape our everyday life to this day.

Speed and a personal relationship with consumers, are the two characteristics that enabled ICT to transform the world. It is easy to think of all the differences between technology today and the technological advances available 10 or 20 years ago.

It is only natural to think of all the changes and improvements that wait for us in the future. If all the developments available to us now have changed our way of living and the way we connect with each other, as ICT's evolution keeps happening,
we have huge expectations for the future.

Digital Marketing Channels

We can define Digital Marketing Channels as all the tactics that are useful to your online marketing strategy. 

Every channel has its own rules and resources. Everyday a new channel arises with the purpose of develop new and improved strategies.

Every digital strategy has 5 channels in mind:

  1. Search: the way search engine users get to your website. Is in this channel that SEO comes to play. Its main purpose is positioning your page to be easily discovered by the user.
  2. Social: social media has a very important role in digital marketing. This aspect is often underestimated or ineffectively exploited. This channel's strongest advantage is viral content generation and a closer interaction with the user, not sales.
  3. Video: the center of online content. Video consumption has risen in recent years. One remarkable proof for this are all upcoming streaming services. Nowadays people consume 4 daily hours of online video content.
  4. Email: the channel that produces the most direct sales to this day. Most people consider emails as things of the past. However, emails are a friendly advertising system that reaches directly to the user. 
  5. Display: this channel is composed by all third parties that publicize our web page. The top three display suppliers are: Google, Facebook and Twitter.
SEO y marketing digital

Types of channel

Fee services: all benefits come with a monetary price. All external publicizing in display channels needs to be paid for. You can pay for adds in social media or search engines. To know where to find more information simply use the suffix "ads" to the name of the display page.

Personally owned:
all resources that we have total control of. Hosting and web domain will grant you your own channel with content available all day every day.

Acquired or earned:
Free online channels pay off with time, often requiring patience, effort and perseverance. They are defined by the number of followers in social media or the use of SEO in search engines like Google or Yahoo.

Job assignments in Digital Marketing

Web: Work in your website through a content manager. Content managers are often easy to use and have simple administration procedures. Tools like Wix, Squarespace and Wordpress handle basic tasks and take provide hosting services.

Use of software to know all data and results of SEO work. Data gathered by free platforms, such as Google Analytics, is very helpful. The main indicators that must be tracked are: the log in rate and their duration, the number users and the bounce rate.

SEO y marketing digital

The importance of having a plan for digital channels.

Digital Marketing needs a plan for channels that follows this cycle: design of a strategy, testing, data collection, analysis and strategy redesign. This online branch must align with the existing business plan and general marketing plan.

To do this, you have to
start with a complete analysis of your surroundings and choosing a target public. After having extensive knowledge of your context, you need to stablish demanding but realistic goals. 

Such goals have to be measurable in terms of time and quantity. This way you can asses the exit level of each step of the plan.

In conclusion, you have to give your attention to the user or target public. By knowing more about them you will be capable of address them in the best way possible through the more convenient channels. You then designate specific actions and schedule them in a planning calendar.

The role of SEO in Digital Marketing

It must be clear by now that SEO is an important step to evaluate the level of availability of your website. It also constitutes an opportunity to improve your positioning.

SEO helps you to make your digital presence welcoming and available to the public. This is why
it is considered to be one of the most important channels of Digital Marketing.

SEO is an effective tool that's not going to cost you money, but time and efforts. This is also a set of action of your own making. It is you who has the power to decide the quality of your strategy.

This is the basis of an effective Digital Marketing strategy. This is because it allows you to perfect your strategy over time. While using a bast variety of resources at the same time.


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