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Why you should use email marketing

Sofia Reyna • Aug 01, 2021

Don't have an email marketing campaign yet? You don't know all the advantages and benefits you're missing! Learn about the marketing tool that managed to outperform social media in results.

Communication channel

Believe it or not, the email is one of the few channels that make an authentic connection with our leads and customers. Even though most people avoid giving out their personal data, email marketing is an easy and practical way to build a solid relationship with your customers that's also profitable.

Email marketing is a friendly resource to keep the audience interested in your company through information about the value of your brand, your services, sales and news in general. Seen as a more professional approach, email is the midpoint between advertising and personal contact.

The relevance of email marketing

Email campaigns are used in all types of companies, from B2B companies to e-commerce. Structure and function may be slightly different, but the positive result remains across all businesses.

The Content Marketing Institute says that 31% of B2B marketers agree that email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads. As one of the main free organic distribution channels, email interaction has become the measure to keep in check when it comes to monitoring content performance.

B2C companies, on the other hand, use email marketing as a tool for customer retention. With such a wide spectrum of topics to cover, the most successful emails work with topics close to our customers. Emma's industrial email marketing report says that 59% of marketeers confirm that email is their biggest source of ROI.

Finally, e-commerce companies have the advantage that most people check their email daily. Beyond this, the information given in these campaigns influences the purchase decision, to the point that 73% of millennials prefer to communicate with brands through this means.

Communication channel

Why use email marketing in a company

A company can benefit from email marketing in three sectors: relationship building, promotion of content as well as products, and finally: sales opportunities. All this taking into account that an email marketing campaign must be planned with a series of practical and realistic objectives that fit the overall marketing strategy of a brand.

When we talk about building relationships and starting a genuine connection we mean that email campaigns allow you to have personalized interactions. The brand recognition you can create will position your company and services as the first choice of your prospects.

The capacity to promote content and products in email is truly valuable. On the one hand, it allows you to publicize the relevant content of your blog and the free material that you offer to your leads, preparing them to make a purchase. In addition to giving detailed information about your products and services, all at the same time.

As for leads, email creates and nurtures them. While you initiate an exchange of free content and tools for information, email strategies nurture sales opportunities with constant approaches.

Communication channel

Advantages of using email marketing

The main advantage of using an email marketing campaign is clearly the ability to build a strong relationship with your customers. This fast, effective and profitable way of communication will let your customers know that you care about them.

Sending emails with the latest information about your business to a large number of subscribers will allow you to build a personal relationship on a massive scale. Think about sending emails crafted with a personal and accessible tone to a large list of subscribers.

Another advantage of maintaining frequent contact with your customers is that developing a unique personality for your brand becomes easier. Create a tangible voice and image for your business and with a consistent use of it, you’ll achieve to stay in their mind.

In each email you'll have the possibility to transmit information to your subscribers using a unique voice, image and style. As a result, your readers will also perceive you as a local or regional expert. You will have an edge on competition if you become the reference of expertise in your market.

Sharing quality content and having constant exposure will help you overcome one of the biggest obstacles for a company: building your credibility. Keeping your brand and name related to useful and relevant quality content will allow you to position yourself as a trustworthy business.

Email marketing is a gold mine filled with benefits for our business. Email marketing is a close and consolidated resource for our customers and prospects to know about us. An email marketing campaign is as well a fast, efficient and cost-effective way to create a relationship with our subscribers, generate more conversions and, as a consequence, sales.

With a good structure and a totally personalized tone, email marketing will keep you in the consciousness of your audience, creating a brand image, gaining credibility and achieving visibility for your content, offers and of course, products.

Get started on the best and cheapest tool of organic growth, reach your audience in a professional yet close manner and increase your sales now.


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