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I already got into geopositioning, so... now what do I do to deal with user reviews?

Sofia Reyna • Jun 29, 2021

Appearing on the map is the first step, highlighting and maintaining a good reputation is another story. We give you the best tips to improve your image, your customer service and as a consequence, your positioning.


User reviews have a great impact on the local positioning of our business, whatever it may be. It is a fact that, if you want to be among the top positions of the SERP ranking and have a good reputation, it is necessary to get positive ratings from consumers.

Whether it's a 4 or 5 on a star scale, a good percentage of likes or a lot of recommendations, the user's opinion has a great weight when it comes to geopositioning.

In addition to gaining an edge in search engines, a good reputation influences the purchase decision of our potential customers. The opinions of previous customers can serve as a good recommendation, but also as a warning depending on the tone.

Whether positive or negative, having an efficient management of user reviews is important to create a good image and improve your overall ranking.

Reviews, opinions and feedback: what they are for 

The feedback function that is provided by these platforms, allows a direct relationship between the service provider and the customer. If your custom service or product has had enough impact on customers to make them take the trouble to share their experience, the opinion they share is very important.

Tracking all these comments will allow you to stay on top of the public's opinion of you as well as having satisfaction statistics and improving areas of opportunity in your processes.

 Not to mention how convincing positive opinions are to potential customers and how valuable they are when positioning ourselves in search engines.

Click here and discover how to achieve effective geopositioning. 


Moderation of user reviews 

Most geopositioning portals allow interaction between the user and the brand. Giving us the opportunity to manage the comments and reviews we receive. 

Of course, this does not mean that we can remove comments or self-review ourselves, but that we can identify and highlight our strengths, and also work with the areas of opportunity that arise from the comments.

All this through the monitoring of all the reviews you receive, added to the prompt response of them.
A timely response can change the opinion of the complaining user and at the same time you are informing others who are researching in the purchasing phase.

Moderation of reviews should always be done with politeness and a friendly tone, even if the comment you receive is unpleasant. This is an opportunity that will allow you to promote transparency and develop a good image for your brand.

Tips for moderating user reviews 

Already in practice, it is necessary to have certain points in mind to give concrete and effective responses when moderating user reviews. It is in this way that you will establish a good connection with your customers:

  • Always respond as soon as possible.
  • Avoid becoming defensive.
  • Take advantage of any compliment to indicate the novelties and strengths of your brand.
  • Customize your answers as much as possible.
  • Create a template that includes an initial greeting and a final signature.
  • Respond to all reviews, when working with a positive review, reinforce users highlights and offer new information that relates to them.
  • If you're going to compensate a user who complains about your brand, try to do it privately. This way you will avoid people who complain in order to get favors or free products.

How to generate reviews

As mentioned above, in geopositioning services it is not possible to alter our reviews, so generating reviews does not mean creating positive ratings for ourselves.

This strategy focuses on having a greater number of reviews, preferably mostly positive. This is so that, when comparing ourselves with other brands, ours can stand out for the number of good reviews.

Generating reviews is as easy as asking our customers
. Whenever we have a satisfactory sale, we can ask our customer to rate us.

For this you can generate a direct link or a button, either in social networks, messaging services or when finalizing a purchase through tickets or invoices. Another option is to send a thank you email, with an easy way to rate your good service.

Working on a platform that fosters a direct relationship between your brand and your customer is not as simple as it seems. Giving a positive service while trying to improve your ranking is a matter of working in detail on the responses to your customers and the content you share in your profile.

This mix of customer service and informative profile is invaluable to the growth and authority of your business. To maintain a good reputation and nurture your relationship with the user, remember to keep your profiles active and respond quickly to the needs and comments of your customers.

Continue reading about geopositioning and learn how to
be present with Google My Business.


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