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SEO trends in this 2021

Sofia Reyna • Jul 30, 2021

Keep your SEO strategy updated with the trends of this 2021. Learn all about the newest resources, search engines and changes in Google's algorithm to create an innovative strategy.

SEO Trends

The online experience has changed faster in recent times, turning search engines into the most refined platforms. It is then that working on our positioning becomes increasingly complex.

Current SEO trends demand the greatest competitiveness and attention to everything. From voice search to image and video settings. In addition to this work we also have the monitoring of metrics and the constant improvement of algorithms.

Update your SEO strategy for 2021 needs with these trends.

Mobile device compatibility

There was already a shift in roles between the mobile and desktop versions of websites coming. In 2019, Google started to consider the mobile version as the main version with its "mobile-first index".

Naturally, we have to adapt to provide a great user experience in both versions. To make sure your site is easy to use, avoid content that requires user interactions, allow Google to view post-load content, and use the same meta robot tags on desktop and mobile sites.

Loading Speed

Following the line of having a navigable site, loading speed and safety have become a priority for browsers. This means that our site must have a mobile version that uses a simplified version of the programming languages used in its desktop version.

To speed up our load time we need to use simpler and lighter programming languages. This will be reflected with an increase in pages indexed to Google. Two free resources that you can use to improve your loading speed are: Accelerated Mobile Pages that adds the AMP ending to your URLs and the Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP extension to measure the visits of these enhanced pages and be able to use AMP for all types of content.

SEO Trends


All browsers show us if our connection is secure with an icon next to the URL, sometimes it also advises the user not to enter an url due to the low security of it.

Users should be confident that they will not suffer from phishing or sniffing when entering your website.

This is achieved with SSL certificates, installing them on your domain will encrypt the data received on your page with the https protocol.

In fact, if you plan to open an online store, this step is almost mandatory. 

Voice searches

Voice search technology such as Google's Assistant, Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa has managed to reach a point where their use has become popular. This is happening to the extent that the forecast is that 55% of households will own a smart speaker by 2022.

To optimize your site for this alternative way of searching, you need to focus on your keywords and identify longer, conversational phrases.

The featured snippets

Implemented in 2017, Snippets are a way of short content that became the shortcut to improve your ranking on Google. These appear in some Google searches, as a box at the top of the SERP.

In them you can promote short content with a lot of condensed information. You can include your content with bullets, add images, product prices and even reviews.

Artificial Intelligence: RankBrain

Google's artificial intelligence plays a central role in positioning your SERP. Their ability to learn is based on studying the discoveries and knowledge that people visualize, but do not acquire. Although the details of the algorithm are practically secret, you can optimize your SEO strategy for RankBrain.

User experience is the determining factor, click-through rate and time on the page are also important.

SEO Trends

Image optimization

Images have gone from being a visual complement to a tool with which people can buy products, obtain information, etc. Google places a special emphasis on the marking and proper optimization of images.

To achieve this, all images on your website must be relevant and of high quality. Additionally, the file name of each of them must be relevant to the content of the corresponding page.

Video content

Online videos are the preferred content of most users, to such an extent that Cisco expects video content will surpass other forms of content in consumption.

To optimize video content, you can start with the name and description of your channel.

Keywords can be found with the autocomplete feature of the platform of your choice. 

An effective SEO strategy is achieved by maintaining a constant updating. In addition to the improvement process that we already know, it is necessary to be aware of new resources, trends and changes in algorithms.

Changing with the current trends is imperative to stay relevant. To be in the game you need to bring the best as well as overcome the newest more difficult obstacles. There is no doubt that in the highly competitive landscape it is necessary to consider a more professional result.


With Geformas it is possible to establish a strong strategy with possibilities for constant updating and improvement.


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