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What is email marketing and how it works

Sofia Reyna • Jul 01, 2021

E-mail marketing is a resource that retains its validity and usefulness to this day. It may seem incredible, but email marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with your leads.

email marketing

Contrary to what many may think, email marketing stands as one of the communication strategies that generates more sales. How is it that a resource that many consider obsolete is so effective?

Sources like Emailexpert confirm that for every $1 invested in email marketing, $44.25 in sales are generated. Others like McKinsey & Company claim that this channel is 40 times better at attracting customers than Facebook or Twitter.

Intrigued? Discover how email marketing works, the rules it follows and the foundations of its success. In this article we will share its way of working as well as tips to start implementing it in your strategy today.

What is email marketing

Speaking in basic terms, email marketing is a way to establish direct communication between a company and its customers and prospects through the use of email.

Email was initially seen as the digital version of correspondence or direct mail ads but has become much more.

This technique is very well known, as many brands take your email at various points in the shopping experience, even earlier. The basic examples of email marketing are:

  • Flight ticket offers.
  • Discounts.
  • Confirmation of an online purchase.
  • Newsletter.

Like any marketing tool, an email marketing campaign has the main goal of making money. That is why its use is specialized to offer the following benefits:

  • Inform your customers.
  • Develop your brand identity.
  • Reach the mobile market.
  • Generate direct sales with offers and promotions.
  • Segment your audience.

This in addition to the fact that a campaign is easy to integrate with other digital strategies as well as being fully customizable in addition to having an accessible cost and giving measurable results.

email marketing

What you can do with email marketing

The list of practical applications for email marketing is long and can even change to meet your brand's specific needs. This specifically because it can be added into your digital marketing strategy easily.

Due to the open communication it offers, e-mail marketing serves to engage your leads as receiving updates will make your leads keep you in mind even if they’re not making a purchase at the moment. Increasing conversion possibilities.

To increase your visibility and traffic on the internet, you can design a newsletter that contributes to your blog posts. In addition to functioning as a resource for lead nutrition. 

Transforming your subscribers into leads and those leads into customers depends on the knowledge they acquire about your business and the relationship you establish with them. In addition to newsletters, email allows you to send personalized messages to the right people at the right time. 

Another way to increase your sales is related to the examples we cited in the last sub-topic. When you sell products directly to consumers, such as clothes, subscriptions, etc. You can share your discounts and promotions through an email marketing campaign.

email marketing

How to apply email marketing

To start your email marketing campaign there are many things you need to design. Details such as format, colors, brand identity, design, text, legislation, etc. are very important. To start with a solid foundation, you need two things:

  • Know who you’re talking to.
  • Set clear goals.

This is the classic “know who you are addressing your message to” and “why do you want to communicate with them”. It may be a basic topic, but with digital tools everyday rhere is more information we can use to know our subscribers, leads, customers, etc.

To begin with, you'll need to specify an " ideal recipient." Starting with basic data such as gender, age, location, education level, income level, occupation, etc. After this, it is important to further develop this profile.

To deepen on it, it is necessary to take into account things such as the social problems that affect them, their degree of job satisfaction, their main interest or need in life, even their favorite book.

On the other hand, the goals for your overall email marketing strategy can be very diverse. From generating traffic to your page, nurturing your leads with brand promotions, increasing subscriptions, promoting products, etc.

Apart from this, it is necessary that each e-mail you send has an individual purpose. Saturating the user with information that seeks to meet two or more objectives can end up in the spam tray.

E-mail marketing remains an effective resource thanks to its adaptability and versatility. With the freedom to use it for varied objectives and its high rate of performance, email marketing can not miss in your digital marketing strategy.

Now that you understand the basics, it's time to structure and customize your email marketing campaign.

 Remember to set goals for your emails and pay attention to their design. If you find it difficult to find the best way to communicate with your readers, we advise you to seek the advice of a marketing specialist.


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