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Connect with your audience on social media through storytelling

Sofia Reyna • Aug 30, 2021

Get better leads and increase your engagement by telling your brand's story. Continue reading and you will discover how to use storytelling in your social media strategy.

storytelling and social media

Digital marketing goes beyond imposing yourself on people's screens through social networks hoping they'll see you so often they can't forget you. Storytelling  will help you generate better leads and, consequently, more sales.


Digital tools are irrelevant without an important message, because it is very easy to get lost in the sea of information on the internet. 

Storytelling allows you to tell a story with the ability to engage with the audience and later create an emotional connection with your brand. 

Emotional connection and storytelling

Often in digital marketing brands focus on creating content, as it is the centerpiece for an advertising strategy. The problem is that we don't take the next step, the concept of content as a tool is very cold, without spirit.

What digital content lacks is narrative, as it is usually composed of photos, text or a short sentence. The words alone can be hollow, without the right spark, they are lost among the rest and go unnoticed. 

Stories, on the other hand, stand out.
Storytelling is a tool that focuses on the experience, in the obstacles of the journey and the way in which they were overcome, as well as the support of others. 

We must take into account that, telling stories, has been the ancestral way of exchanging information. It is very easy to recognize this, because we tell stories all the time, at dinner time, with our friends. 

Good stories have the ability to transport us out of our reality, even for a moment.

storytelling and social media

The potential of a well-told story

Digital storytelling is about brands that take control of their image with elements that are shared through all kinds of channels. A good story allows the audience to recognize the company, its values and what it stands for.

The most important thing about creating a narrative is to create awe and genuine interest in what is advertised. A full story stands out among the rest of the publicity by stopping your audience and catching their attention for a brief moment of their day.

A good story is about who we are and what gives meaning to our lives
. This type of content, makes the audience connect with you as a brand through the things they have in common. Once they understand who you are and your purpose, it's very easy to earn their preference. 

The purpose will always be to generate interest whether it be emotional, intellectual or aesthetic.

We recommend you click
right here, to learn how to apply storytelling on Instagram. 

Means to tell stories

As we discussed earlier, a complete digital strategy focuses on creating a narrative content constellation on different channels. 

The main options are social media, webinars, blogs and video content. For all of them, there is a way to apply storytelling. 

To find out which social network is ideal for each generation, click
out here.


The webinar modality focuses on teaching, it is a dynamic tool that makes you available to your audience. As an assistant, it can be a bit tiring to log in for thirty or forty minutes in which information is presented continuously. 

Although it can be given dynamism with speaking resources and a round of questions,
the session is more bearable with stories

Whether it is a small anecdote that relates to the topic or using examples with the format of “it has happened to us all”, incorporating stories allows us to carry a common thread in which there are small breaks of technical information.


Blogs are a publication channel in which information is provided on topics of the field to which the brand focuses. However, a successful blog isn't just about publishing the same type of articles.

With the possibility to add infographics, reviews, podcasts, interviews, etc.
The door opens to implement dynamic stories, full of resources that will enrich the reader's experience beyond the text.


Audiovisual content is a treasure chest for storytelling. It can be shared on all possible social networks, as well as on all the aforementioned platforms. 

The stories can be presented with professional actors, animated infographics, presentations with a narrator, among others. 

A fresh and authentic format together with a well-structured story
have the potential to catch attention wherever it is.

storytelling and social media

Social media

In social media there is the possibility of a two-way communication, the stories with which the public relates will invite people to tell theirs. In social media you can achieve a flow in the let customers share their experiences with your brand on a platform accessible to others.

Behind every recognized brand, there is a story. Storytelling transforms the cold and diffuse entity of a mechanical company, into a recognized brand, alive, composed of people who love what they do. 

Whether you tell how your company started, your goals, your values and in general its reason for its existence, the public will remember you for who you are and what you represent.

Social media marketing has represented the new normal this 2021, click
out here and find out all about it. 


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